HELP WANTED! I'm looking for Linux OS developers and hiring to help me make WINEdows Linux into a real Linux Operating System,YOU MUST BE 18 YEARS OLD OR OLDER TO HELP, DO NOT LIE ABOUT YOUR AGE! If you are interested ►Click here

WINEdows Logo

Logo stolen from WINE doors, huge credit to the unknown artists who originally made the WINE doors logo for WINE doors, I did NOT made the logo.

Also try ReactOS

Welcome to the official WINEdows Linux website!

Tux says hello!

WINEdows Linux is a Linux Operating system that only runs WINE.

★WINEdows Linux's goal is to be a good and free Linux operating system.★

What is WINEdows Linux?

WINEdows is a Linux Operating System that only runs WINE but in a virtual desktop environment mode automatically at startup. It has no bloatware and everything is completely removed except for Linux system files and it only has Box86, Box64, X11, an empty window manager/environment and WINE bundled.

Why WINEdows Linux?